Welcome - The Test
A little about ourselvesFor many students, AP World History is their first experience embracing college level content while still in high school. We are the over-achievers, but we are also the over-worked, over-scheduled, and over-stressed. This course is not easy, but we celebrate it and count ourselves lucky to be able to attend. Our goal is to learn as much as we can about our world, each other, and ourselves. In the process, we are working diligently to not only pass the class, but the AP exam. Our experience here will not only help us grow into a "better informed citizenry" of our homes, our school, our country, and our world, but also has the potential to save us six months to a year of our lives in college and thousands of dollars.
Recent NewsRemember: Have a 3 ring binder for my class no later than Friday, August 28th. I would recommend a 2-3 inch ring and it needs to be brought to and from class every day. I WILL NOT STORE THEM THE CLASSROOM.
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